Starting in mid-September and extending into early October, leaves of the Aspen trees and Gambel oak shrubs change from their green hues into their warmer hues of red, yellow, and gold. The change starts earlier in the northern part of the state and progresses southward as hours of daylight become shorter. The aspens grow in numerous areas in the Montane and Subalpine life zones while the oaks are found primarily in the Foothills and the Montane life zones.


Starting in mid-September and extending into early October, leaves of the Aspen trees and Gambel oak shrubs change from their green hues into their warmer hues of red, yellow, and gold. The change starts earlier in the northern part of the state and progresses southward as hours of daylight become shorter. The aspens grow in numerous areas in the Montane and Subalpine life zones while the oaks are found primarily in the Foothills and the Montane life zones.